9TH ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE SQUADRON July 13, 2020/in Vietnam War /by Richardrichardsakharoff.com http://9TH ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE SQUADRON July 6, 2020/in Blog /by Richard richardsakharoff.com https:// www.vetfriends.com/units2/677535/9th-organizational-maintenance-squadron Richard Sakharoff is assigned to the 9th Organizational Maintenance Squadron effective September, 1971. Airman Sakharoff, was trained at Shepard AFB, Texas as an Aircraft Maintenance Specialist. The 9th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, serves the SR-71, which is located at Beale Air Force, California. Airman Sakharoff was cleared by the National Agency Security Check prior to be granted access to the Base Flight Line. Beale is a Strategic Air Command, (SAC) base. The 456th Bombardment Wing was activated in July 1965 and housed the B-52 Stratofortress Bombers. Recognize these names from 9th Organizational Maintenance Squadron? * richard sakharoff. * robert martineau. 9th Organizational Maintenance Squadron. Tags: richardsakharoff.com http://richardsakharoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/9th-Organizational-Maintenance-Squadron-scaled.jpg 1920 2560 Richard http://richardsakharoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/logo-3.png Richard2020-07-13 00:00:582020-07-13 16:07:039TH ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE SQUADRON